Started in 2018, Tekpip now reaches over 300,000 readers a month
Welcome to, your number one source for all latest tech and trending gadget updates. Our editors are constantly trying to convey a unique perspective to stories and share honest reviews of the services and products we test. We’re dedicated to providing you the very best of tech every day.
Our Editorial Process
At, we don’t just create content; we craft digital masterpieces designed to resonate with your needs and curiosities. We believe that each piece of content is a stepping stone in your journey to mastering the world of gadgets and apps, and we are committed to making every step meaningful.
Our meticulous editorial process is our secret recipe, transforming raw information into engaging narratives that empower and enlighten. It’s not just a series of stages but a relentless pursuit of excellence that breathes life into each word we publish. Here’s a glimpse into this exciting journey:
- Content Strategy and Planning: It all starts with figuring out what we’re going to write about. This involves understanding who our readers are and what type of tech content they’re interested in. Are they looking for the latest gadget reviews, tech news, how-to guides, or deep dives into tech concepts? Once we have a list of potential topics, we plan out when each piece will be written and published. We use an editorial calendar tool for this, which is basically a schedule for our content.
- Research: Each article begins with thorough research. We need to be well-informed about the topic to write a useful and accurate post. We use a variety of sources like tech journals, news sites, product specs, user reviews, and sometimes even interviews with tech experts.
- Writing the Article: Once we’ve collected enough information, we start writing. The goal is to present the facts and our insights in an engaging way. Even though we’re writing about tech, we try to keep the language simple and jargon-free as much as possible so it’s accessible to all readers. The structure of the article usually includes an introduction to the topic, the main body with all the details, and a conclusion with key takeaways.
- Adding Multimedia: To make the post more engaging and easier to digest, we add relevant images, infographics, videos, or even interactive content. These could be screenshots, product images, diagrams, or explainer videos.
- Review and Editing:
- Self-Review: After the article is written, the author reviews it for any errors or improvements in grammar, style, clarity, and flow.
- Peer Review: The article is then passed on to another team member. They check it from a fresh perspective, ensuring that it’s easy to read, the ideas flow logically, and all the facts are accurate.
- Technical Review: Sometimes, we ask a tech expert (like a software developer or a hardware engineer) to review the article. They check if all the tech details, explanations, and specs are accurate.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): We then make the article easy to find on search engines like Google. This involves identifying key phrases that people might use to search for the topic (keywords), and including them in strategic places in the article. We also add ‘meta’ data (like a short description of the article), and links to other relevant articles on our blog or other websites.
- Final Approval: Before the article is published, it’s reviewed one last time by a senior member of our team or an editor. They check the overall quality of the article, ensuring it meets our standards and is aligned with our brand voice.
- Publishing the Article: The article is published on our blog once approved. We make sure it’s formatted correctly, looks good on all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile), and all the links and multimedia are working properly.
- Promotion: After publishing, we share the article on our social media channels (like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn), send it to our email subscribers, and sometimes even use paid ads to reach a larger audience.
- Engagement: Once the article is live, we keep an eye on the comments section to respond to any questions or feedback from our readers. This helps us build a community around our content.
- Performance Tracking: We use tools like Google Analytics to see how the article is performing. This includes how many people are reading it, how they found it, how long they stay on the page.
- Legal: Read more about our privacy and terms of service policies.
Contact Us
Should you find yourself with queries about the content found on our site, don’t hesitate to contact us. While we might not be able to provide an immediate response, rest assured, we’ll strive to address your questions as swiftly as possible.
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