Android Phone Running Slow And Freezing [FIXED]

By John Adebimitan

is your Android Phone Running Slow and Freezing? Many people believe that as time passes, their Android devices slow down and no longer perform at their best. This is only partially accurate because a device does not slow down on its own.

Various factors influence the speed of an Android smartphone, causing changes in its operating and normal function.

Android Phone Running Slow and Freezing? Causes

A slow and freezing phone can be one of the worst things possible, but there’s no need for an alarm. First, we need to understand the causes of these problems and then see how we can fix them. Here are some reasons why your Android phone is running slow and freezing.

  • 1. Heavy Apps

Leaving heavy apps running in the background can reduce battery life. These apps, purchased and built-in, e.g., Live widget feeds, background syncs, and push alerts, can cause your smartphone to wake up unexpectedly. These apps run in the background to fetch newer data, notifications, and updates, causing a noticeable lag in application performance.

  • 2. Insufficient Memory (RAM)

The internal storage capacity of an Android device is fixed, such as 8GB, 16GB, and so on. Some smartphones have a low memory issue, and most of them function poorly once they reach roughly 80% of their device storage space, which runs out because of Apps, music, photographs, videos, documents, notes, memos, and other data.

  • 3. Outdated Operating System

When a new operating system gets released, it comes with improvements and bug fixes, which makes the phone work better, but not upgrading can make your device slow and freeze because of bugs.

  • 4. Device Not supporting TRIM.

A solid drive or TRIM support is required (a solid drive or TRIM support ensures that your device stays healthy and works smoothly). Newer devices are unaffected, but users of Android 4.2 don’t have TRIM support out-of-the-box and are likely to experience laggy devices more.

  • 5. Clogged Cache

Another possible cause is a faulty or congested Cache, a storage area for App data and other material.

  • 6. Overheating and Wear & Tear

Overheating and wear and tear are other factors that could cause the device to slow down. It’s common for your device to slow down if it’s too old. Wear and tear from long-term use causes all types of machinery to slow down as their components deteriorate and wear out. When this happens, don’t wonder why my phone is running slow; it’s simply your device’s way of alerting you that it’s reached the end of its useful life and has to be replaced.

Android Phone Running Slow and Freezing? Best Fixes

Now that we have checked out what could be responsible for our Android phone running slowly and freezing let’s see how we can fix these problems:

Fix 1: Reboot the Phone

Turning the gadget OFF and ON, as with most electronic devices, is the first step in troubleshooting. It’s the same with your phone. A restart or reboot may fix several issues.

Fix 2: Uninstall unwanted and heavy Apps

Heavy apps take up most of your device’s storage, causing it to become overburdened. We have a habit of burdening our devices with unnecessary apps that we hardly use. To free up storage space, make sure to uninstall any unneeded apps. To do this:

  • Search for “Application Manager” or “Apps” under “Settings.”
  • Click “Uninstall” from the options presented to you to remove the unwanted app.

A heavy App can also be uninstalled immediately from the Home Screen (on some smartphones) or the Google Play Store.

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Fix 3: Disable unwanted widgets

Widgets consume a lot of processing power and drain your battery quickly. They are also responsible for your Android’s slowness. To turn off unwanted widgets, follow these steps:

  • Press and hold the Widget for a long time.
  • To delete it, drag it to the “X” or “Remove” icon.

Fix 4: System Update

A flaw in the system software can lead to unpredictably irregular difficulties. Any systemic issues found by the developers are resolved by updating to the most recent version of Android. To do this:

  • Go to the ‘Settings’.
  • Select ‘System’ and then ‘System Update

You’ll see any available updates here; simply download and install.

Fix 5: Update Apps

A bug in an app can affect memory or performance on a device. The best software developers keep their products up to date and release updates regularly. Set up your phone to look for updates automatically to make it easier.

  • Go to ‘Play Store
  • In the top right corner of the screen, click on your profile.
  • Select ‘Manage apps and devices‘ 

Then, under ‘Updates available,’ you can select to update all apps or just one.

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Fix 6: Clear Cache on Android phone

It is always a good idea to clear your cache because it cleans your device and frees up storage space. To clear the cache on your Android phone, follow the instructions below:

  • On your Android phone, go to “Settings” and find “Storage.”
  • Tap on “Cached Data.” To delete all unneeded cache from your device, click “OK

Fix 7: Factory Reset Your Device

If you’ve tried all these fixes and your Android is still running slowly, it’s time to wipe it clean and restore factory settings.

  • Backup your phone first, then go to “Settings”
  • Tap “General management” and select “Reset
  • Hit “Reset settings.”

A factory setting will return your phone to its default factory, so don’t forget to back up, and if, after the factory reset, it doesn’t work, it’s time to turn to the pros for further help.

Read also: What Is Safe Mode on Android?

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