How to Tell If Someone Deleted Their Snapchat – Step by Step

By John Adebimitan

Did you suddenly notice that one of your friends on Snapchat has stopped being active? The person no longer sends you snaps, they don’t view your stories anymore, and you don’t see their story updates.

This type of situation can have you wondering if the person has blocked you or if someone deleted their Snapchat. Unfortunately, it is not easy to obtain information, whatever the case may be.

Don’t worry, though; this article will explain how to tell if someone deleted their Snapchat or if they’ve blocked you.

How to Tell If Someone Deleted Their Snapchat

To tell if someone deleted their Snapchat, search for their username to see if the person’s Snapchat still exists or not.

If you search for the person’s username and it doesn’t appear under the search bar, it could mean two things. First, it could be that the person deleted their Snapchat account or they have blocked you.

To certainly tell if someone deleted their Snapchat account, tell a friend on Snapchat to search for that person’s username for you. If you would like to do it yourself, you can create a new Snapchat account to search.

If you search through either of these two processes, you can tell if someone has deleted their Snapchat account.

How to See Deleted Snaps

There is no way you can view Snaps after the other party has deleted them. Hence, you must be quick enough to view a Snap before someone deletes it.

If I Delete Snapchat App, What Happens?

Deleting the Snapchat app from your device will only remove the app from your phone, and it will not affect your Snapchat account. Since you are not directly removing your account, you can log back into the account if you reinstall Snapchat.

Your friends will also still be able to view your profile.

How to Get Someone Off Your Best Friends List

Snapshot doesn’t allow users to remove people from their best friends list. One way to remove someone from your best friends list is to stop chatting with them.

After some weeks, Snapchat will remove the person from your best friends list.

However, if you don’t want to wait for weeks before Snapchat removes them, there is another method. You can block them on Snapchat and then unblock them later.

Doing this will reset the Snapscore, making them unfit to be on your best friends list.

How to Delete Friends on Snapchat

You can follow this process if you want to delete a friend from your friend list on Snapchat.

  • STEP 1: Swipe right to go to the “Chat screen
  • STEP 2: Find the friend you want to delete, then tap and hold on their name
  • STEP 3: Select “More” from the options that open up
  • STEP 4: Tap on “Remove friend” from the “More” menu

How Do You Know If Someone Deactivated Their Snapchat?

When someone deactivates their Snapchat account, you won’t be able to communicate with the person on Snapchat. You will still be able to see their username, and you will have them on your friends and followers list, but you won’t be able to contact them.

Their account will remain visible during the first 30 days of their deactivation.

After 30 days, you can tell if someone deleted their Snapchat completely because you won’t be able to see their account anymore.

What Does Snap Score Mean?

Snapchat score is a score that Snapchat calculates based on the number of snaps a user sends and receives. It is a number that signifies the level of your activities on the app.

These activities include the streaks you send and receive, the pictures you open, and the stories you upload.

How Is Snapchat Score Calculated

Snapchat calculates Snap scores based on the frequency of users’ activities on the app. These activities include the number of snaps a Snapchat user sends and receives and the length of streaks a user sends and receives.

In addition, the app calculates Snap scores based on the number of stories you upload. It also checks the number of friends you have on the app and the videos you watch.

How Do You Get Your Snap Score Up?

You can increase your Snap score by doing some of these.

  1. Sending photo and video Snaps
  2. Send unique Snaps to multiple friends
  3. Add new friends
  4. Open and check the Snaps that you receive from friends
  5. Keep long Snap streaks
  6. Share and view stories regularly
  7. Watch more Discover videos

With the guides we have explained in this article, you can tell if someone deleted their Snapchat. You should also be able to distinguish between when someone blocks you on Snapchat and when they have deleted their Snapchat.

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