Have you recently tried to call someone and instead of hearing the person’s voice on the other end, all you heard was an intercept message? The message goes like this: “The person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time.”
That response can be very frustrating because calls have become crucial to tying up business deals and alerting loved ones to emergencies. We not just explain what it means but also proffer insightful solutions for the call intercept message “the person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time.”
What Does “The Person You Are Trying To Reach Is Not Accepting Calls at This Time” Call Intercept Mean?
When you hear the call intercept recording that “the person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time,” it could be that the person at the other end has set his phone to reject all incoming calls. It could also mean that your phone number has been blocked from calling that particular number or that he or she is experiencing some connection issue.
The person you are calling has set his phone to reject all incoming calls
There are several reasons why someone may not want to be disturbed by any incoming call. For instance, if they are attending an important meeting, they are on a flight, or maybe they just want their sleep or vacation uninterrupted.
When you dial a number and the recipient has for any of these or any other reason blocked all incoming calls, you will only get a “the person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time” intercept message.
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Your phone has been blocked from calling that particular number
From time to time we may choose to block incoming calls from a particular number for personal reasons. If the person you are trying to call has this selective call reception configured on their phone, you will only hear that the person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time. You might want to reach the person using some other means.
One of the lines (your line or the other line) is facing some network issues
If the person you are calling is somehow disconnected by his or her network provider, either for technical reasons or payment reasons, you’ll keep getting the same recorded response that “the person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time”.
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The Person You Are Trying To Reach Is Not Accepting Calls at This Time? Best Fixes
Even if you can’t place a finger on which of the three reasons highlighted above is the reason why you are getting that intercept message, here are things you can do to salvage the situation.
Leave a voicemail
For those who have voicemail activated on their phone number, it prompts you to record a message for the person. That message will be played immediately they are available. For instance, if the person you are trying to call was outside the network coverage area, the moment he gets within range, his phone plays all messages in the voicemail. He then decides which of the senders he will call back.
The next time you receive the intercept message after dialing a number, allow the message to play out, then record your message at the tone. This will only work if you have not been blocked from calling the person. If your number has been blocked, you won’t be prompted to record a voice message for them.
Send a text
Sometimes, it is best to leave the person a text message after hearing an intercept message. If they were on a flight or they set their phone to Do-Not-Disturb, the text you leave them will be the first thing they receive when they get back online.
So, when you call and you can’t get through, leave a message and wait while they call you back.
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Call the person’s alternate number
For very urgent calls that didn’t go through, it will be wise to try an alternate phone number. If you suspect that the person you are trying to call is at work, why not call his work phone? If they are home, it might also be best to reach out to a close family member just to get through.
This is usually the best thing to do when you need to pass across a very important and urgent message.
Try Calling Again After Some Time
If for any reason the person you are trying to call has configured their mobile to block all incoming calls because of some special reasons like a meeting, eventually, the meeting will end and the settings will be restored. If you can wait for some time, you just might get through later in the day.
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